
Blog for Jun.1 Tour

 Today’s guest is a young lady from Kenya. We started earlier than the planned 9:15 am that made the tour relaxing and leisurely without need to worry about the time. Though the sky was rather gray, when we had started, it kept improving and we could enjoy spring sunshine and blue sky almost all part of the tour. We took the cable-car, going up and walk via the Trail No.1 to the Yakuoin temple and to the summit. 

in the cable car

at the vantage point

 We stopped and guided on many points of interest on the way.

                                    a guide and an earnest listener

a guide and an earnest listener 


challenging the endless stone steps

all smiles at the Joyful Garden after conquering the stone steps

We arrived at Yakuoin temple and firstly, we called on Teng, a guardian of the mountain and the messenger of God, to pay our respect.

Tengu with supernatural power

Before visiting Yakuoin temple, the guide taught the guest how to purify yourself at “Purification Basin”

Learning how to purify yourself 

LookThey are really purified

Red Torii at Yakuoin temple


In spite of our hope, Mt. Fuji was shy today but we proudly took this photo at the summit to declare we had conquered Mt. Takao and its torturing stone steps.

The proud climbers


On the way down, we visited the popular suspension bridge via Trail No.4, then back to Trail no.1. The chair lift brought us down to Kiyotaki station, where the guest enjoyed souvenir shopping for her family.

popular green covered suspension bridge

the chairlift-so refreshing

Kiyotaki station

shopping souvenirs


We hope the guest enjoyed the tour and our guide.

Written by Nori

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