
Report on TENGU tour held on 8 May 2024

 After the Golden Week, we did not see too many visitors to Mt. Takao, which was good for us.

 The weather was OK.  That is, it was mostly cloudy and occasionally sunny.

 So, we were not able to enjoy a clear view of Tokyo including high-rise buildings in Shinjuku, Tokyo Skytree, etc. either from Kasumi-mae Observation Deck on the way or from Kompiradai Observation Deck on the way back.

 Our guests were a trio of students from Singapore who are staying for five (5) days in Tokyo on the way to Seattle, USA where they are scheduled to go through a three-month training program.

 We found that they had planned to spend their 2nd day in Tokyo at Mt. Takao.

In front of Kiyotaki Station

TENGU guides included Nosan-san and myself as a tour leader.  

 We took a cable car leaving Kiyotaki Station around 9:45 and then followed Trail 1 heading for the Yakuo-in Temple.


At Takaosan Station

In front of Kasumidai Observation Deck 


Guiding on the legendary Octopus Cedar Tree surrounded by a sacred twisted straw rope (Shimenawa)

Touching the statue of Octopus for diving blessings

A display of the artwork by an anonymous local artist to celebrate “Mother’s Day”


In front of a Tori-i Gate called “Joshinmon”

Guiding in front of the stone monument declaring “Shooting and fishing are prohibited within the sacred area.”

On the way, we realized the uniqueness of the shoes one of our guests had on which was similar to traditional footwear of Japanese scaffolders and/or gardeners.

 Looks like he was very health-conscious and well-prepared for the hiking at Mt. Takao.

Unique footwear he had on

In front of white stupa at Yuki-en (Joyful Garden)

In front of Shitenno-mon (Gate of Four Heavenly Kings)

Our guests purifying themselves before praying at the purification basin

Guiding on a pair of Tengu statues

We got to the peak of Mt. Takao around noon where we took a group photo.

At the peak of Mt. Takao

Unfortunately, the female deity of Mt. Fuji was a little too shy yesterday to show her graceful figure in front of us.  


Unlucky guys at the peak of Mt. Takao

We had lunch together around the peak of mountain stating around 12:30

At the lunch table around the peak of the mountain

On the way back, we took a different route by following Trail 1 first, switching to Iroha no Mori Trail and then to Trail 4 going through a suspension bridge (Miyamabashi Bridge) and finally back to Trail 1 again.



On Iroha no Mori Trail

On Suspension Bridge (Miyamabashi Bridge)

Our guests trying “Tengu-yaki”, No. 1 dessert at Mt. Takao 

 On the way back, we walked down via Kompiradai Observation Deck which commands a fine view of Tokyo.

At Kompiradai Observation Deck

We came back to the foot of the mountain around 14:30 and then took a group photo together again in front of the cable car Kiyotaki Station, which was the end of the tour.


 In front of Kiyotaki Station

I hope that our guests should have a lot of fun for the rest of their holidays here in Tokyo.  It is understood that they are going to “Odaiba”, an artificial island in Tokyo, today.

Written by Shiro

Dated: 9 May 2024


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