
Warm-up & Remind tour on Dec.4th,2021


In the morning Dec. 4th, a clear and sunny day, 8 TENGU members gathered at Takao-sanguchi station 9:30 am for the first time activity in the past two years: Warm-up & Remind,. This was the first real activity of TEMGU in the age of living with COVID-19. No guest, but a newcomer Goreilo also attended. Nabe’s Sweeper boy started the excursion. Octopus cider, Different woods, Ghost girl orchid, Chestnut tiger butterfly, Nikko maple, Prifying-mind gate, Jinpen shrine, a worldly disiere (Bonnou), The great god Izuna, Main hole, Stupa, Flower blooming goddess and etc. were guided by Sally, Chiko, Kate, Comson, Shin and Nao. Goreilo asked some questions about those. We gradually remind the explanations but some are not yet. Autumn leaves are still so beautiful in Mt.Takao. We reached Fuji sengen shrine at 12:30. We had a closing meeting then dispersed.   

After this tour, I’ve got a cramp in my legs after returned home. Shakuyakukanzou-tou cured it soon.    

In the night 8 pm same day, 5 members have a remote year-end party. We drank and talked about the three big news 2021 in yourself, the three big crises in your life and New year’s resolutions. Those were very fun.



Messages from the representative

I am Nao. I became a representative of TENGU from April. Though TENGU tours are stopping from last year due to COVID-19, we are preparing for restart. We are also guessing the possibility of new type of tour and some events between members. We will work with safety first. Thank you for your cooperation. Tour resume will be posted on TENGU’s homepage. Look forward! 



저는 나오 입니다. 4 부터 TENGU대표가 되었어요. 코로나 유행병으로 지난해부터 투어를 정지해서 1년이 지났습니다. 재개를 향해 준비하고 있습니다. 새로운형태의 투어나 회원끼리의 이벤트를 모색하고 있습니다. 안전제일로 활동할수 있도록 여러분의 협력을 부탁합니다. 투어 재개시는 홈페이지에 알림을 개시합니다. 기다려 주세요. 
