
Report on the Monthly Tour on 17th Sep, 2023

 We met the guest at the station of Takao-san-guchi at 9:30. The guest comes from California, USA. We made an self-introduction on each other. She said to us that she first flew to Hong Kong and there got the free ticket to Japan fortunately. How lucky she is ! We took on the cable car which brought us to the middle of mountain.

Then we ate Tengu-yaki, that is sweet waffle with red beans paste. Its shape is the mask of Tengu, who is legendary creature with long nose. That is her request to eat this original sweet, so she looks so happy.  We went to Tako-sugi, that is huge cedar tree, living for more that 500 years old.

Then we visited at Yakuo-in temple, and saw Life-size Tengu statue. At the king of eight dragon, the guest washed her money, because we told her the legend story that if washing meoney there, it would lead to come back double in money.  

Then we went worship at the main hall of Yakuo-in temple, where it is almost at the top of the mountain. After enjoying the grand view from the top, we would have a lunch. When chatting during lunch time, neighboring Japanese jumped in our chatting.

He spoke English very well. He said he never been to foreign countries and had no passport. He has studied English, by watching Sesame street. It’s so nice to chat together on lunch.

When going down, we took Route NO4 in trail, and in the middle of this route, we saw suspension bridge It was a great experience to walk over the river.

We enjoyed the nature of Mt. Takao, bathing the shower of healing power in nature.

After returning down to the start, we together went to the Café, keeping chatting and

 it was so fun to have international friendship !

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