Having friendly well-matched couple from Vancouver Canada our tour was held on Friday 29 November. Under the blue and bright sky with chill we expected an enjoyable day, and we took the trail toward Biwa Falls according to the request of our guests who were trekking enthusiasts.
After arrival at the view point our guests could recognize Shinjuku skyscrapers. They were concerned about Octopus (“Tako” in Japanese) Cedar Tree and told us that keeping good shape of natural forest was very important but difficult thing for us. It was quite impressive.
We visited Relics stupa in the midst of autumn foliage, and autumn colored maple leaves near Four Devas Gate were so beautiful too.
We reached at the summit and found an open space under the sunshine for our lunch.
Although the autumn foliage was at its best there were not so many visitors around the signpost. By cold weather, we could see Mt. Fuji thickly snowed the night before.

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